Tuesday, April 3, 2012

First Easter Egg Hunt.

We recently purchased a family membership to the local Children's Museum. It's a birthday present for Leeland a little early, and a present for Mommy too because letting him run some energy out there keeps Mommy somewhat sane since Hayden was born.  Mondays are "members only Monday" and they always offer little events along with a special weekly sing and dance time.  Yesterday, they had an Easter egg hunt.  I picked up some Easter eggs a couple weeks ago for Leeland in hopes of teaching him what a hunt is all about-- he just enjoys opening and closing them.  With that said, the hunt yesterday was fun, but he didn't last long.  We found about 7 eggs and then got distracted with some Tonka trucks and called it quits.  There were special eggs marked with a heart or a star though, and if you found one, you got a prize.  One of the 7 eggs he found, was a star egg and he got a Dr. Seuss Horton stuffed animal.
So apparently Leeland is always scared of Santa, but not of the Easter bunny! At least Santa has a face!
On a hunt!

Can't resist a Tonka truck!
And a pic just for fun... enjoying the Fire Truck.

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