So on Sunday December 7, 2014 this happened....
Although I was alone in the bathroom at the time, I vividly remember saying out loud more than once, "Holy crap." .... "Holy crap."
We headed to church and then we headed straight to the Christmas parade and all the while I racked my brain on how I was going to give the news to Daniel... it was shocking news to me, and I knew it would be shocking to him as well. In my mind I wanted to do something cutesy and thoughtful, but then in the car on the way home from the parade, I just blurted it out, along with some tears. It may have been early on, but the hormones were definitely there! .... So then there were 2 of us, 2 of us in the know, 2 of us in shock....
The next day I called the doctor and set up the initial appointment which I was told would just be the joy of going over my family history for the 3rd time, and then lab work for the blood test. They immediately set up a follow up appointment for January 14th and I was told that I would be able to hear the heart beat for the first time then. I left that appointment knowing I felt like I was pregnant, and knowing I took the test at home, but still wondering if it could really be true.
Fast forward to the week of my birthday and anniversary, the rough start to my New Year, and I couldn't keep any food or drinks down for about 2-3 days. I called in to the doctor and they told me to head on over to the Women's hospital for IV fluids. So at 9 weeks pregnant, baby #3 was making his (OR her) presence known! I had similar sickness when I was pregnant with Hayden and also had to go get fluids with him, so while the sickness is terribly miserable, at this point there was NO denying that baby was there and that baby was doing well.
At my 10 week appointment, I heard the joyous sound of a quickly beating heart and it was music to my ears! Baby was definitely there... and baby was well... ALL was well!
We broke the news to the boys today-- Hayden is still sort of clueless about the whole thing. And Leeland is incredibly excited and FULL of questions about babies and pregnancy and trying to come up with a name for our baby already.
He wants to know why it will take so long to have our baby. He INSISTS that he is having a sister regardless of the fact that I keep telling him that we don't know yet and that we will be happy either way. He wanted to know how the baby got there and asked me if I swallowed an egg. He wants to know how God creates babies. He wants to see the baby. And he also wanted to know tonight when we will have #4!? (WHAT!?... No son.... NO!)
I feel so many emotions and have wrestled with so many over the past 11 weeks... in my head, Hayden was the last baby, so to now be blessed with another tiny little miracle is overwhelming. On top of that the complications of being deathly sick and some issues with my blood work have made it a bit more stressful than I would like. But alas, there is a baby! Baby #3's official estimated due date is August 12, 2015. Thank you all who have already wished us well and given us congratulations, we are both anxious and excited!
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