Tuesday, December 31, 2013

One word.

A few years ago, rather than choosing New Years resolutions that will last all of 4 weeks, I decided to choose one word to focus on for the year. Don't get me wrong, goals themselves aren't a bad thing when they're broken down appropriately, and they're at least somewhat in reach.  But one word, gave me more of a focus-- my one word way back then was "submit" and I grew closer and closer to my God that year as we encountered bumps in the road and I was reminded to submit.

This year, we've decided to have a family word and a family focus for the year.  After prayer and thought, we decided on the word "Intentional."
-Intentional in our parenting, including activities, daily tasks, and discipline.
-Intentional in our relationships with each other, family, friends, co-workers and even strangers.
-Intentional with the giving of our time and money.
-Intentional with our relationship with God, our time with Him and our studies. And...
-Intentional with the care of our bodies, what we eat and how we exercise.

Can't believe that 2013 has come to an end so quickly, but we are so excited for the adventure of 2014 and how we will grow as we become more intentional with our lives.  
                            *Image credit year27.com

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