Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our 8 month old

Leeland is 8 months old today! I know I say this a lot, but I truly am surprised at how fast he is growing.  Babies grow, learn and develop SO much during the 1st year. I am so happy to have the little fellow in my life and I know that Daniel is too-- and I am even happier to say that I have been an at home Mom for 8 MONTHS!!! God has truly blessed us and I am so thankful for all of the time that I have been able to spend with him.  Without further ado, here is what my 8 month old can do.....

-CRAWL!! He is full on hands and knees crawling, and he is a quick little booger and lets nothing get in his way.

-He is pulling up to a standing position using furniture such as the couch, his crib, and he has even been known to pull up on the dog.

-He is a very active, independent little boy... he can go from crawling to sitting position, standing to sitting position, rolls all over the floor with the dog-- he gets around quite well for himself.
-He can walk when you hold his hands (super cute, sort of like a high knee march... lol)
-He is still sleeping through the night, aside from a few colds/viruses he has had.  He usually goes to bed around 8/8:30 and wakes up around 7/7:30.
-With all the moving around has come several falls and tumbles.... he got his 1st bruise a few weeks ago trying to wiggle around on the changing table :0(

-He is eating 3 solid meals a day, and there isn't a fruit or vegetable out there he hasn't tried.  And he has LOVED them all.  Not picky at all, just like Mommy :D
-He has not tried pureed meats, the thought of grinding up meat into a smooth "liquidy" form grosses Mommy out, so he will try meats at a later time when he has table food.
-He usually has 1 snack a day, he loves "Baby Mum Mum" rice crackers and goes even more crazy for "little puffs"
-He has NO TEETH yet!! All the other babies I know got their first teeth around 6 months, Leeland still has none.  I have read online that the longer it is until they come in, the healthier they are so I am trying not to fret much but most people think it's weird.
-Leeland recently celebrated his 1st major Holiday, Thanksgiving and had a blast with family and friends and he is ready for Christmas!
-Leeland can say "Dadda" and "Momma" and he knows who we both are.

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