Monday, August 28, 2017

2017/2018 First Day of School

OK, so it's not really our first day of school for the year, but tomorrow is our first day back to co-op, and also it has been the first opportunity that I've had to snag some photos of the boys, so we're calling it our "first day."  The reality is that we started back to school at the beginning of July so that we could get into somewhat of a groove and check some days off on our attendance before Evelyn was born.  So in August we've taken three weeks off enjoying our new baby and today we drug out our books again.  The flexibility of homeschooling is kind of amazing!

So here's our boys for their first day photos.  I love comparing at the end of the year and seeing how much they have grown. 

Leeland's first day of 2nd grade....

... And Hayden's first day of Kindergarten! 

Love these big boys and couldn't be more proud of them already!  We changed up our school day schedule a bit in July along with some of our curriculum choices and I have watched them flourish. Also, they have both jumped into football this year,  (flag for Hayden and tackle for Leeland)they are growing and learning the sport and working hard.  I'm a little nervous with a two year old and newborn under foot, but I'm also incredibly excited for this school year and the blessing it is to get to see all of their "lightbulb moments" and learn alongside them.  We have some big goals, and lofty plans for the year with lots of fun planned along the way.

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