This past weekend, I hosted my very 1st baby shower-- I've attended several baby showers over the years and had a few myself, but this was my 1st time hosting one. The couple wanted the shower to have a peach (in color) theme for their little girl on the way and it was a little bit of a challenge, mostly because it's difficult to find peach colored party supplies. So thinking outside of the box, this is what I came up with--
The Invite:
The Decor:
Since peach paper products were difficult to get my hand on, we had to have some accent colors. Chocolate brown and ivory. And then I got creative (with the help of Pinterest) with making some decor myself. The goal was to have some decorations that could be re-used in the nursery, which was already painted 2 shades of peach.
Peach balloons came from a party supplier on ebay. |
And you may remember the bunting from my tutorial that can be found here. | | |
Flowers from Aldi on each table. |
The Food:
The shower was in the afternoon so it wasn't really necessary to serve a full meal, the goal was to keep it simple and budget friendly, so here is what I came up with.
Bottled water, sweet tea and peach punch. |
Peach Punch Recipe-
Mix together 64 oz white cranberry peach juice, 8 oz Sprite, 4 oz Orange Juice and then float a pint of softened orange sherbet on top.
Ivory paper products, veggie tray, peanuts, potato chips, chicken salad croissants, a huge bowl of mixed fruit, and cupcakes. (Much of the food was purchased at Costco, I HAVE to recommend their chicken salad, it was "Comfort Cuisine" brand and had cranberries and pecans in it. So yummy!!)
The Games:
1) Guess how big the Mom-To-Be's belly is. I simply put out a ball of pink yarn and masking tape, the guests would cut off the length of yarn that they thought measured around her belly, wrote their name on a piece of masking tape and taped it to the wall. At the end of the shower, we announced who was closest.
2) The Baby "Poo" guessing game. (Requested by the Mom-To-Be.) Melted various candy bars into diapers which were passed around for the guest to guess which candy bar was in the diaper.
3) Notes to the baby-- inspired from Pinterest, the guests filled out these cards...
4) A math game-- I made up a poem for the couple where as I read statements, the guests would add or subtract points and whoever had the most points at the end of the game won.
The presents:
It's safe to say that little Kaylee will be one spoiled little girl! :)
The Favors:
Up-cycled baby food jars decorated with the same fabrics I used to make the bunting. These were out on the tables for each guest to take home. Some of them had Hershey Kisses and others had M&M's. It worked out perfectly with Valentine's candy being out in the stores-- the wrappers of the kisses and the M&M's were shades of ivory and pinks which is pretty perfect for a little girl's baby shower.
All that is left is to anxiously await the arrival of the precious little girl!
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down
from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due
to change."
-James 1:17