So before you scroll down to the end and see the changes in photos in measurements, I want to give a little update of how this last month has gone for me. I continued to add in Abs 10 on my HIIT days, and on one day I added in a family run, yep Daniel joined me along with the jogger stroller full of our two sweet little boys and we went on a run. But I'm not gonna lie, this month was a struggle. I missed probably a total of 5 workouts-- one was expected because family was visiting, one I was sick and that was also expected, but the other three were just tough days. So no, I'm not super woman. I have days that I'm exhausted. I have days that I lack motivation. I have days that I just want to sit and read a book instead. I also got a little lax with eating habits-- there were a few celebrations with family where I indulged in cake, and with the increase in metabolism this month came the munchies, and sometimes I succumbed to a few "not so great for me" snacks. It happens. With all of that said, I still remember that this is a lifestyle, and that sometimes life just happens and it's what you do about it afterwards that counts-- you get back up and you get back on the clean eating plan.

Now in other news, while I'm mostly pleased with my photos and measurements this go round, I also want to say that I'm extra ecstatic about one "non-scale victory." So my clothes have been literally falling off of me for a couple of months now-- seriously, Hayden yanked on my shorts to get my attention in a store, and it could have ended very badly if it weren't for my cat like reflexes. So I finally got up the guts to hit the dressing room with a pair of jeans.... because yes, even after you shrink and find a little self-confidence with shedding weight, the dressing room is still VERY intimidating.
My recollection of dressing room moments include me sweating profusely and nothing going up over my thighs or hips.... ever.... So one night we were out and about at a shopping center and I talked Daniel into going into Old Navy where I marched into the dressing room with a large stack of "skinny" jeans while he watched our wild boys try to grab things off the shelves and make as much noise as possible. (Thanks honey!) The large stack was because I had no idea what size would fit... AND, for anyone not familiar with Old Navy, they have several different styles that are supposed to be for different body types and I had no idea what my body type was. Well, I walked out that night from the store buying my very first size 8's in a VERY VERY long time! I don't even remember being an 8 in High School. Maybe middle school? I've always been in the double digits, and just for reference, last year when I started my journey before
P90x, I was wearing a size 14.
So dear friends, if you are also out there working hard, please take note of those non-scale victories! How your clothes fit, the amount of energy you have, how you are lifting heavier weights than ever before.... all of those things are victories. The scale doesn't always tell the whole truth, so take note of those victories and celebrate them along the way!
So just for reference, these photos and measurements include 12 weeks of Turbo Fire, and I added in the "3 Day Quick Fix" meal plan for 3 days right after I finished Turbo Fire. The 3 day Quick Fix was the one part of the
21 Day Fix program that I didn't get to at the end of it, and I had been wanting to try it, so I just tacked it on to the end of Turbo Fire for "fun." Though I will say it isn't a whole lot of fun..... For those who may not know what the 3 Day Quick Fix is, it is a strenuous high protein eating plan, like what a bodybuilder or bikini competitor might do just before an event. 6 meals a day, every one laid out a certain way, each one with very specific proteins, steamed green vegetables, very little carbs (only in 2 meals), absolutely NO salt, and downing it all with a gallon of water. So for the past 3 days, I've been daydreaming of a spoonful of peanut butter!! MMM.... Yes, peanut butter. I guess you've made it in the fitness world, when peanut butter is your special treat? You can bet that this wonderful Friday morning, I'm taking great pleasure in my spoon of peanut butter while typing this friends.
Now to the final measurements and photos that you have all been waiting for.... OR maybe you didn't even read any of the above paragraphs and just skipped right down to this... either way....
Chest- 34 1/2 inches
Biceps- 12 1/4 inches
Waist- 29 3/4 inches
Hips- 39 inches
Thighs- 24 3/4 inches
Weight- 157 pounds
Chest- 35 inches
Biceps- 12 inches
Waist- 28 1/2 inches
Hips- 38 1/4 inches
Thighs- 23 1/2 inches
Weight- 146.8 pounds
As you can see, I had to get a new outfit for my photos because the mint shorts and black bra were falling off of me. Down 10 pounds and a couple inches. I'll take it!!
And just for fun, here's a share of the beginning to current.... I began this journey 15 months ago! I have been overwhelmed with an outpour of support, love and kindness by so many while I have been on this journey to a healthier me. AND, I also get loads of questions and messages from friends and family who are just starting their journey. I will not claim to know it all, because I DO NOT, but I am so happy to share what I do know with others, and am amazed that my story has inspired so many. But dear friends, please remember that it takes time! Many of the messages I've received have been frustrations over results or the lack there of, and to that I say, give yourself grace (most importantly) and give yourself time! This change didn't happen over night, I've been at it for fifteen months. 15!! Don't compare your beginning to someone else's end-- if you are eating clean, and working hard, keep doing it... just give it time!