WEEK 6!!! That means I'm almost to the half way point! Can't believe it. I was REALLY disappointed in myself for missing 2 work outs last week. Still recharging my batteries at the beginning of this week and still dragging a little, but trying to really pick it up and push hard.
DAY 1- Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and Ab Ripper: Man, those slow motion push ups get me every single time. They are TOUGH! Really feeling the burn in my arms and my chest this week. Hopefully those biceps are growing even more. Loving ab ripper these days. Able to complete and kick up with the full 25 reps on each move and that feels really good!
DAY 2- Plyometrics: Still dragging from last week, Daniel suggested I take some pre-workout today to help with motivation/energy. First time I've taken it since starting p90x and I think I had the BEST plyo day I've had since I started. Felt great, and sweated PROFUSELY! And you gotta love working out post 2 babies, hopping around the best you ever had and suddenly peeing yourself when you didn't even know you had to pee..... sigh.... Being a mom. I guess those 2 kiddos were worth the wet shorts. HAHA!
DAY 3- Back & Biceps and Ab Ripper: ahhh, back and biceps. I am so sore this week! Especially my arms. Bicep workouts usually come fairly easily to me, but today my arms are roasted.
DAY 4- Yoga: I wouldn't say that yoga is anywhere near my favorite work out of the week. It definitely isn't. But I'm not going to deny that I am enjoying it more now than ever. It's becoming easier in general, but more than that, it's easier to keep up with video now that I know the moves. I'm not in a pretzel trying to stare at the screen to figure out what's next. I can focus, listen to him call out the pose and move right to it without looking up. That is what I would call progress. So yes, you heard it, yoga is growing on me. Today it was late night yoga-- I made the mistake of drinking coffee at 7pm yesterday and was up until 2am.... My whole day was thrown off. Even the boys were "off" this afternoon, super fussy. Who know. Either way, I managed to squeeze it in at 10pm, and I'm proud of that.
DAY 5- Legs & Back: I don't want to assume that I have more readers than I actually do... but let's say I have 3. (Haha!) If out of the 3 of you, you have been reading my posts and thinking, "That's all fine and dandy, but there's NO WAY I can work out with my kids." Then know that I've been there. You may want to go back to my original post, I've made excuses of my kids too. You have 3 options-- work out early in the morning, work out late in the evening, or be prepared to press pause. Ha! Today was one of those days. I hit pause to clean up Hayden's mess of a peanut butter face when he finished his lunch, I hit pause to wipe Leeland's butt, and hit pause to put Hayden in time out. Brief pauses, but it happens. I won't claim that it's easy to work out with kids, but it is definitely possible. With that said, today was legs and back. I'm feeling the burn in my thighs and sweating this week more than I have before. Making up for last week, I guess? I'm still in awe that I'm in week 6, and I'm clearly enjoying it, because I'm already daydreaming and thinking about my next challenge when this 90 days is over.
DAY 6- Kenpo: Still my favorite! :) I had hoped to do something more along with the kenpo workout today, but it just didn't happen. Me and the boys went to the Farmer's Market, picked up some yummy fresh, local fruits and veggies (and goat cheese), had lunch, got home and I actually took a nap! Naps are rare these days for this Momma, but it felt great. Felt so productive getting my work out in early and being able to spend some good time with my boys.
DAY 7- Rest! Well earned this week! No missed days! YAY!
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