You had to know that when we broke down
our school room a few weeks ago that a nursery post would be coming soon. It never fails that I turn into a little bit of a crazy lady when I'm pregnant and frantically insist on checking items off of my list that I have made up and convinced myself that I "need" to do. The odd part of all of the shenanigans is that this is my 4th child and the realist in me knows that she doesn't actually need anything and that if she is anything like her bigger brothers, there's a very real possibility that she won't even use a nursery for the first year. BUT, the nursery is so fun to put together. AND it's a great place to store all of her sweet little clothes, and diapers we have been given..... and I mean, if we are really honest, this is my first time bringing girly things into our home so that was just plain fun.
Here's just a few shots since we are pretty much done-- no theme. Just pink, and lace and flowers and girly things.
Hard to see in photos, but the curtains have little white polka dots and a lace trim to them. I enjoyed making those.
The desk above has been around for YEARS. But sand it and put a fresh coat of paint and it looks new. For now it serves as a changing table, but I have visions of it becoming a place where she can sit and read or journal. Or maybe throw in a shabby chic fuzzy topped stool and call it a little make-up vanity.
For some reason her room just didn't seem complete to me without adding in some sort of floral, so the grapevine wreath was put together and added in very recently.
You might notice that we are missing a major piece of furniture in her room.... the crib. That's because Joel is still using it. For now her rock & play sits in it's place. You can check out my post of
Joel's nursery here to see what the crib looks like. It's a hand-me-down crib we received from a friend that we painted mint green, so once it's in, it will tie in the mint green to all of the pink.
I have never had one of these fancy rock & plays with any of the kids but I hear people love them. Amazon had a great deal back in January which is how we ended up with the self rocking one. I hope she likes it!
Letters were purchased at Hobby Lobby along with the two hangers with knobs that they are hanging from. I covered the letters in mismatched scrapbook paper with mod podge.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this print that we ordered from
All Good Things Collective and to be quite honest the pictures taken in her room on a cloudy, rainy day don't do it justice. It really ties in a lot of the colors in her room and it's just really pretty to me. They had a great sale code back when they launched their new site and I scooped it up then. I made the poster holder with some pine wood and magnets. There's two pieces of wood at the top sandwiching magnets and two pieces at the bottom sandwiching magnets to hold it straight and then all tied up with some lace ribbon.

This is my spot! I go in her room and sit and rock often. This chair has stains and isn't necessarily the right color for the space, but this is the same chair that I have rocked 3 precious boys with. And in fact, Joel often comes back to her room to find me and still likes to rock in it. I can't wait to rock and nurse this sweet baby girl. I've got my Boppy and basket of burp rags at the ready already! Haha! 11 or so weeks to go.
Sweet little jackets on hooks by the door, and the rack I purchased at Micheals. I've got some crocheted hats and bonnets ready for her on the bottom and some bows up top, just need to get the little gal some headbands to throw in that middle spot.
Finished crocheting her baby blanket yesterday. I've crocheted a blanket for each of our babies and I really like how this one turned out-- a shell stitch of light pink, pink, mint, and ivory and then a ruffly light pink border all around. I still have the blanket that my Granny crocheted for me when I was a baby and I hope each of our kids keeps theirs for years to come.
Large decorative sign hanging over the rocker, I purchased at Hobby Lobby for our little gal.
That's all there is to it. Nothing extravagant, but I love it. The hope is that it is decor that will grow with her for a little while. And now that this big item is checked off of my list, I can relax, right? Probably not-- my next big to-do to check off of my list is stocking the freezer with meals for postpartum life and that will mean a few days on my feet in the kitchen. But for now, it's a rainy, gloomy day and I might just grab a book, and prop my feet up in that rocking chair because it just looks too cozy.