Not so patiently waiting for the dyes to be made.
Checking on his eggs
Cheerio monster :)
The classic white crayon
We ended up with a nice assortment of eggs! They were later made into deviled eggs and egg salad sandwiches.
The "overly dunked" egg.
The new tradition that we started this year was "Resurrection Rolls." I'm not gonna lie, when I first read about them here, I thought the idea was a bit cheesy. But when you're trying to get a point across to a preschooler, it totally works and I'm glad we gave them a shot. We made them tonight, and in a perfect world I guess they should be made on Sunday, but we had the time tonight and were all together as a family, and Leeland walked all over the store with the bag of marshmallows today anxiously awaiting making the rolls, so it happened tonight. And I'm glad that it did-- this whole weekend is dedicated to the Lord and His sacrifice for us, so what's a little extra teaching on the "wrong" day gonna hurt?
So the rolls... All you need is a tube (or 2) of crescent rolls, melted butter in a bowl, cinnamon sugar in a bowl, and large marshmallows. (An after thought... wonder how peeps would turn out? Might have to try that next year.)
We also read a storybook about Easter to better explain. |
Seriously, seal it up good or you might end up with an oozer in your oven.
So the story behind the rolls is to teach the resurrection. You explain that Jesus was crucified and buried in the tomb-- the imagery here is your marshmallow in the crescent tomb.
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Bake them at 375 for 11-13 minutes, they'll be golden brown, and while you wait, you eat the remaining marshmallows. |
... The marshmallow is gone. "He is risen!"
And then you get to eat them and enjoy the buttery, cinnamony goodness that they are.
Leeland really loved it! He loved helping make them, he definitely loved eating them, and he kept saying to himself "I learn about Jesus".... Such a sweet kid. I only pray that he, (and Hayden) get so excited about learning about Jesus as they get older.